By now I am sure just about every golfing fan has heard the name "Sean Foley", it is reported that he is currently working with the #1 Player in the World at the seasons final major. A report last night from Tiger's Camp stated that nothing is official, but that they are exchanging ideas.
Well, from the highlights I saw last night it was pretty obvious when Sean is standing in front of Tiger making shadow swings and shortly thereafter Tiger is doing something similar that they are certainly exchanging ideas.
I couldn't be happier for Sean, who has worked long and hard to reach this level and it is very well deserved. For those of you that have met Sean will know that he is full of energy and loves just about everything about golf.
I remember when I first met him back at Millcroft Golf Club in the early 90's (he was a fire cracker then) when he was part of Bobby DiFrancesco's "EttiKid" Program (which was a fantastic junior program) and you could honestly tell by his enthusiasm, sense of humour and personality that he was going to do something special with golf. is easy to say now that he is one of the top teachers in the world, but honestly....I don't think this success he has reached would surprise him. You could tell this is what he wanted.
I remember working at Heron Point and he was working at Glen Abbey(both ClubLink facilities at the time) and we would run into each other several times during the season and he was still the same positive, friendly and outgoing dude that I remembered from Millcroft. When I bumped last bumped into him he was at Piper's Heath Golf Club giving a lesson and I made a point to walk over and tell him that I was proud of what he has accomplished and wished him continued success. Well the success has continued and I can only imagine what it would be like to be able to work with arguably the greatest golf talent in history.
You could probably make the argument that Tiger would win with ME coaching him, but seeing what he is going through right now....he needs someone like Sean to put some energy and enthusiasm back into his brain and combined with Sean's knowledge of the swing.....well....I wouldn't be surprised if Tiger ended up winning this week!
Keep up the great work Sean you are making all of us very proud!
Tom: My name is Jim Bradbury. We lived in the sixth house down on the left on the sixth fairway at Millcroft and both my daughters were involved in the Ettikid progam as well as the junior programs at Millcroft. My oldest daughter and Sean were the same age and my youngest and Kevin were the same age. The four of them were inseperable for a number of years. Sean's father and I CO Chaired the administraion of the Junior program under the very adept supervison of Rob DeFranscheco. I still credit Rob with the result of both my daughters receiving golf scholorships in the US which didn't result in professional careers but did result in them getting four year university degree and in fact one coached the North Carolina Women's team and in return had her MBA paid for. I was trying to find a contact for Robert for my daughters and I came across you site. If you have any idea were Robert is now and his contact info my daughters and I would appreciate it. PS I didn't realize that I have listened to you give the starting instructions to the bunch of Wild Croatians every year for the last 3 years. My wife is Croatian and I play every year in the Croation Hamilton Tourn. at your club. Great course.
Posted by: Jim Bradbury | Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 07:00 PM
I understand that Bobby D is working out of a placed called "Within Range" in Burlington!
Posted by: Tom Vanderlp | Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 11:38 AM