Now that the "off season" is almost here, I wanted to clear the air about what really takes place at a golf course during the winter months.
A lot of people think that we go into hibernation like an old grizzly bear, or that it becomes like the "Shinning" around here and we go nuts waiting for the spring thaw, or that we spend all season working out.... lifting weights, hitting the classes etc, because I am always so BUFF in the Spring. I have news for you...
None of this is true!!!
We are busy....sure we don't have 300 golfers running around or huge tournamentS or weddings going on, but we plan all of our business for next season....NOW!! Memberships, Tournaments, Weddings Banquets, all of these take a lot of prep time and it is our job to secure that business from December to March! We can't just open the doors in April and yell "We're Open!!!"
It takes a great deal of time, effort, cold calling, follow ups, meetings, e-mails, faxes to secure these events and this all takes place during the winter months. Aside from kidnapping people we do everything we can to track down and secure business.
The impression is that we throw a key in the door December 1st...jump into our Surf Shorts and head south until the Masters...let me tell you....I WISH that was the case :)
So, if you are interested in Membership, need to book a Tournament, or plan your wedding don't think that you have to wait until the New Year or the Spring!! Call us now ...we are here...working hard and would love a little company as there are a FEW days that we feel like the Maytag repair man!
Happy Holidays to everyone and remember...we are here if you need us and we would love your business!
All the best,