It is this time of year when I start to think about rebuilding my swing. I may see tip in a golf mag or on a blog (was recently viewing the "secret in the dirt" should check it out) that triggers that ridiculous thought I get every year about this time.
"Hey I think I have found it!!"
A few minutes later I will find myself holding a club, trying to reach some position in the swing that is the new "secret". Today I read that if you point your toes in the air that you will be perfectly in balance. So....what do I do? Take my shoes and socks off and stand in the pro-shop and take practice swings. And it felt great! Even better than last year in January when I was "stacking and tilting" or the year before when I was using those rubber bands!
I am completely nuts....why does this game do this to us??
I actually brushed away some snow on the first tee and hit a shot in -6 degree weather to see if I was on to something.
What is wrong with me?? I should before I hurt myself.
Hopefully I will be in a better state of mind tomorrow :)