Well my new clubs arrived yesterday....I know it is early in the season, but around the middle of January I start thinking that new equipment will bring me back to my glory days and that if I start putting well that I could probably make the TOUR!
I was like a little kid...I carefully removed each one from it's wrapping ....I held it up....looked at it...waggled it, and convinced myself that these would change everything. This year I took that step that many of us will take over the next few years. It's not an easy one, but you need to check you ego at the door and realize that graphite shafts are here to help, so I ordered graphite shafted irons. They had a special deal that you ordered graphite that they would give you a free bottle of Aleve, some epsom salts, season 1 of Matlock, some extra stretchy track pants and a video that teaches you how to properly complain about the government and taxes!
Last year, when I was fit for shafts using Mizuno's amazing shaft optimizer, it suggested graphite shaft for my irons....I just couldn't do it....I am not old...for crying out loud I am forty two. Graphite???? That's what my grandfather played!! Never mind that I have been using graphite in my driver, three wood, hybrid since 1995 it just wasn't something that young strong macho men (like me) should play with. Not me! No way! However, this year...I matured and said "what the heck" lets try them, it couldn't get any worse.
I will be in Florida by the end of the week and I can't wait to put these bad dogs into play. I really think this could be it.....if I start hitting it good this week, I might try a few mini tour events (probably win) and I may try and Monday "four spot" for some of the events on the Florida swing and if the putter gets hot I could win and play myself into the Master's.
Don't you love what new clubs and a new season does to the golfers mind? What a great game :)