It has long been argued by what I will call "real athletes" that golf (although it is a great game) is not really considered a "Sport". These "athletes" would always point out that, golf was the only game in which you can ride a motorized vehicle to the ball, and that you can play while having several drinks (and probably get better),and that you could smoke a cigar or cigarette during competition, all very valid points.
This may have been the case ten, twenty or even fifty years ago, but the new breed of golfers are studly looking men that could have probably turned professional in a variety of sports. Look at Dustin Johnson, Gary Woodland or of course Tiger Woods, these guys are cut and work out diligently to maximize their ability to play great golf. Sure, there are still a few Tim Herron's and John Daly's out there, but more and more of these guys are showing us that golf is indeed becoming a sport!
I understand that no Pro has ever said " was tough making it up that last hole, but I managed to just dig in and fight through it. I told myself to suck it up, finish strong and WALK 150 yards" in his post game interview. I also understand that golf is slow, the PGA tour average round is probably about 4 hours and fifteen minutes to walk the equivalent of around five or six miles which is slighly faster than an arthritic turtle. I also realize that there are a ton of pictures of some of "golfs icons"puffing on their cigarette in front of the camera as they are about to hit one the most important shots of their career. All of these things make it very difficult for the true athlete to recognize golf as a sport, but hey, if Nascar, Darts & Bowling are on ESPN I think golf deserves a little respect.
We are in the process of creating a program that will stimulate the senses of the hardcore athlete and the avid golfer with the implementation of "Golfercize"....WHAT? You are probably asking yourself, well allow me to explain! If you think you are in good shape, and you like to play golf, but can't find the time to do both? Golfercize is the solution! Here is how it works, you tee off, you run to your ball (a caddy riding a cart meets you at your ball ) and as you are getting close you yell to him "Give me the five iron", he lays it next to your ball, you grab the club, set up and swing. Once the ball lands, you toss the club to the caddy and you run to the green (or the rough, water, sand trap, woods etc) you continue running between shots for nine holes.
We played last Thursday morning at 9:00 A.M. and we finished in exactly 41 minutes (9 holes) and we both shot 38 (we agreed on a tie, because a playoff was...well...a little too much for the first go at Golfercize). Now, I am not going to sit here and tell you that we sprinted the entire way, but it was a nice comfortable jog for a 42 year old cart riding golf pro! We felt great (and actually played better than expected) following the round and realized we were onto something pretty cool. The key is obviously the caddy, because running with a bag of clubs on your back can be a little challenging and he did provide us with water when needed and a nice foot massage following the round.
This week we are going to kick it up a notch and for every bogey we make we will do five push ups and if we make a double ten! Who knows, by week ten I may be running withe twenty pound dumbbells. Our goal is try and improve on our time and score and hopefully by the end of the summer I look like I did in high school (minus the pimples).
If you would like to become a "Golfercizer" or for complete details please e-mail [email protected]
Help us prove that golf is a Sport!!
I agree with you. I think the best golfers out there today are in pretty buff condition. Especially the younger group. Most have their workout routines which consist of more than just swinging a golf club
Posted by: Ladies Golf Clothes | Monday, July 11, 2011 at 06:45 PM