The performance that we all witnessed this past weekend by Rory McIlroy was incredible, nobody is going to argue with the fact that he was the best player over the four days.
The USGA has always maintained that they are not trying to embarrass the best golfers in the world simply identify him. Their set up of courses over the years has made par a good score. They take great courses, make them as hard as possible and let the best man win. Some people would argue that it is too extreme, but I like to see them grind out two foot putts with six inches of break on a green that has a speed of 13. Even the slightest twitch and you have twenty footer coming back. I admit I like to see them make double and triple every once and a while and get beaten up both mentally and physically. In 2007 when Tiger Woods finished his round at Oakmont (which is arguably the hardest course in the States every day of the week) he put things in perspective. They asked him how hard the course was and he said "Let me put it this way...if you are a ten handicap you have NO chance of breaking a 100..period!". That is what the USGA wants, they want the Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelsons and Rory McIlroy's fighting their way to the championship. Why do you think they all cry when the hold the is because they are happy it is over! It's the same cry that someone would have when they have been rescued. Thank God...I don't have to do that again.
The complaints this past week was the Congressional was too easy, that it wasn't a "real" U.S. Open! I agree, there wasn't the same carnage as we are used to seeing but come on...the best guy won, regardless of how soft or slow the greens were.
The thing I don't understand and please explain to me if you can is why in this day and age the USGA can't find a way to keep green conditions firm? They play one event a year, and lets be honest they make a ton of dough that one week. Can't they afford to tarp the greens like they do in baseball or at wimbledon when it starts raining? The course may still be wet but at least the greens would be firm and fast! It couldn't cost much...the average green size is probably around eight thousand square feet, times that by 18...ok 19 (want to keep the putting green consistent or they would complain about that) that gives you 144,000 square fee of tarp and 19 tent poles to keep the water running off the greens, throwin a few thousand fee of drain pipe to divert he water away form the sides of green and you are all set! What's the problem....I don't get it! Think of the dough he could make if they had a sponsors logo on the could be a revenue stream for them. Maybe too much water would run off, but how do they do it at baseball games??? They can have a team of volunteers close to each green, ready to rock the minute there is a delay. Sure sure, I get the fact that if it is a gentle rain play goes on but the times it is delay or overnight...cover them up! Then you can crank up the sub air system and Bob's your uncle.
If anyone can pull this off it is the USGA or Augusta National....who do I need to call?
I agree...I think the course was too easy for a US Open. I know they were blaming on the wet weather affecting the greens but was it just the greens or was it Congressional in general?
Posted by: Ladies Golf Clothes | Monday, June 27, 2011 at 04:01 PM