I am a what you would call a FAN of pretty much ....ALL sports, I will even admit to watching "Professional Darts" for a few hours. I am not sure exactly what makes sports so interesting for me because I have never really been very good at any one sport. I do feel like I can play most sports a little bit, well enough too not embarrass myself at least. I wasn't a high school or university star...I played house league hockey my entire life. I am not one of those guys that will tell you "I could have turned PRO if the coach didn't have it out for me!", or the guy that is quick to say he was "Semi-Pro" but was held back because of a bad knee. Come to think of it...I am not even sure what Semi Pro means! Anyways, I just like to play sports, try hard, have a little fun, get some exercises and compete.
As, I got older and realized that "Beer League Hockey" was really just that...and a few of the guys thought that NHL scouts were in the stands waiting to find the next superstar. After a cross check to my lower back that sent me into the net and I actually had to spit the mesh from my mouth...it was time to retire.
So I decided to get a tennis membership to get in shape and shave off a few of the extra lbs that had settled at my equator. After about two weeks my tennis elbow flared up and I couldn't believe how sore my feet were. I also realized that I was spending more time in the lounge at White Oaks than I was on the court!
This is why golf truly is the GREATEST game! You can play well into your 80's or 90's and compete (with handicaps) against a 15 year old kid and not get hurt! What other sport is there where this is possible? NONE!
One of my greatest golfing memories EVER, is when I was 22 years old, and I was playing against my grandfather "Pop", who was 72 at the time. We were playing at a little course outside of Tampa called "Chi Chi's". The weather was perfect, the course was in great shape and "Pap" and I were playing as a twosome. I had just begun to play a lot of golf and was thinking I was a bit of a shooter....well "Pap" wouldn't have any part of it and he shot 35 on the back nine with a natural eagle to beat me by four shots. The smile on his face (and mine) was incredible. I was so proud of him, it was amazing.
When we got to about the 16th hole and I new the inevitable was going to happen I cheered him on to finish strong. He shot his lowest score ever and miss shooting his age by 3 shots. It was an incredible experience that I will remember forever. We spoke after the round about how much fun it was and that we was going to tell EVERYONE that would listen how to taught his grandson a lesson on the golf course. Just because I am old....doesn't mean I can't compete.
If you have a son or daughter and they are interested in playing sports....get them into golf. They will enjoy this GREAT game for a long, long time!
Now we have a great walkway that goes to the beach and to the canals that came from the partnership of community with government
Posted by: Moncler Weste | Saturday, March 03, 2012 at 05:41 PM